Hemlock Forest (UE4) - A forest in the American North West, with towering Western Hemlock and Western Red Cedars. The forest floor, thick with Sword Ferns, Bunch Berry, Rattlesnake Plantain and Wild Strawberry, to name a few.
This project combines fully hand-made assets with Megascans. I started this project with the desire to learn more about creating organic assets, and pushing the quality as far as I could. The trees, plants and terrain were fully handmade utilising no scans. I used Megascans to introduce Rocks, roots, embankments, and broken stumps.
For my first real adventure into organics and foliage, I think it went pretty well and I look forward to pushing these skills further in the future. Being able to have the skills to introduce organic elements into my future work was one of my aims, and I definitely feel very comfortable tackling foliage moving forward. Massive thanks to all my friends who helped with feedback and critique throughout, it really helped push this project further than I could have gone.
If you're interested in reading about the progress of some of these assets and of the project on the whole, I have two blog posts about it -
To enhance the scene, I used a few different asset packs from other creators -
Birds and Sky from Andrew Svanberg Hamilton's Memories of Australia Content Pack - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/zOe3dZ
Branching River Tool by James Stone - https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/branching-river-tool
Animal Variety Pack by PROTOFACTOR INC - https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/17c2d7d545674204a7644c3c0c4c58ba
Waterfall Materials by tharlevfx - https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/water-materials